As a social psychologist, I’m interested in how subtle, often unnoticeable, social psychological mechanisms help maintain intergroup inequality, and how they contribute to disparities in health, mental health, and well-being.
More specifically, I focus on how different social factors, such as social norms and group stereotypes, affect peoples’ explicit and implicit perceptions, goals, and motivations and how these, in turn, affect their behaviors. This includes, for example, how societal beauty norms affect women’s and men’s health and mental health, how stereotypes about specific social groups (gender, racial, or ethnic stereotypes) affect medical decision making and behaviors towards patients who belong to these groups, and how gender stereotypes affect doctors’ career choices.
The lab is a place for people from different disciplines and backgrounds (e.g., psychologists, social workers, healthcare workers) who are interested in how psychology could be used to improve patients’ health and well-being.

Kim Sznajder
Ph.D Candidate
M.A. in organizational psychology

Chen Levine
MD-PhD Candidate
Chen is an MD-PhD student. She holds a B.Sc. in Biotechnology from Tel-Hai College. Her research interests lie in the broader contexts of medical care, emphasizing its psychological and cognitive components and their contribution to overall health, with a particular focus on women’s health

Khola Daher
Pre-doctoral student
M.A. in medical psychology

Yasmin Azi
Pre-doctoral student
M.A. in educational psychology
Yasmin is a pre-doctoral student. She’s interested in studying mental health outcomes among women in the transition to motherhood. She’s especially interested in how self-objectification affects women at different stages of becoming a mother: pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and postpartum.

Talia Nishri
Research assistant
Talia is a second-year BA psychology student at Tel Hai College, fascinated by social psychology’s impact on individuals. Her main interest is to explore how the social environment shapes self-perception and resilience, navigating the dual role of supporting and challenging individuals in their pursuit of a fulfilling life.

Natali Mashkovich
Medical research student
Natali is a Medical Student in the faculty. She holds a B.Sc. in Biology from the Hebrew University. As part of her Capstone research project she is studying high-risk pregnancy and in particular whether women’s self-efficacy following a high-risk pregnancy diagnosis is associated with adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes (Joint project with Dr. Liron Rozenkrantz).